Columbine High School. Platte Canyon High School. Virginia Tech. Deer Creek Middle School. Aurora movie theater. Arapahoe High School. Santa Fe High School. ProPublica reporter Jenny Deam reflects on covering them all.
I grew up in a church community that pitted people against each other and called it “Christianity.” As a pastor now myself, I know there’s another way.
The 27 words of the Second Amendment are among the most bedeviling words of the U.S. Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Gun lovers, I so wish you were as tired of this as I am. I wish thousands and thousands of deaths every year could move you enough to move. I wish you could tap into an empathy to eclipse your gun lust.
In addition to an economy held together with the baling-wire of Fed stimulus (that’s ending), both the U.S. and the world are facing a wild spectrum of assaults that could have huge economic impacts.
Some children didn’t come home in Uvalde, Texas and our politicians and many of our citizens barely lifted their heads beyond quick, empty thoughts and prayers tweets they think exonerate them from culpability and exempt them from action.
On quarterly earnings calls with their shareholders, big oil CEOs can’t stop bragging about how the crisis in the Ukraine is a great excuse to keep prices high and bring in historic profits — while consumers literally pay the price.
Viktor Orbán's speeches this week raise the question: Is he teaching the American GOP through his example, or is the GOP teaching him through their "replacement theory" and new laws banning books.
When Tucker Carlson and Josh Hawley whine about white males’ emasculation, what they are really talking about is the absence of character—an absence they perpetuated and enabled.
There is a big difference between Alison Janey's portrayal of a brilliant press secretary and Jen Psaki's performance of her job: Jen Psaki's responses were all her own and not the product of a well-written script, hashed out and rehearsed before hand.
Rick Scott has published an 11-point proposal to raise taxes on the poorest of Americans and set the stage to destroy Medicare and Social Security. But he now claims it isn't so.
Justice Alito’s leaked opinion cites Sir Matthew Hale, a 17th-century jurist who conceived the notion that husbands can’t be prosecuted for raping their wives, who sentenced women to death as “witches,” and whose misogyny stood out even in his time.
If the Supreme Court does strike down Roe v. Wade, it will be the first time the Supreme Court would be setting a precedent to take away a constitutional right from Americans.