Wars never go as planned. Putin's decision to go to war in Ukraine has backfired so severely that the Russian economy has nearly collapsed in a matter of one week. Not quite what he had in mind.
Tax havens in past times were sleepy Caribbean backwaters. But now the US, led by investor-friendly financial secrecy laws in states like South Dakota and Delaware, has emerged as a global center for hiding illicit wealth.
Republicans are resorting to book burning as a protest against teaching history with things like the 1619 Project. In reality it depicts is a history of triumph, achievement, endurance, incremental victories against impossible odds and courage.
The enduring questions of war are, "How does a normal person decide to become a random killer of civilians? What has seized his normal social human intellect to become a callous murderer?"
Like the Czars of the past who miscalculated how much idiocy and bloodshed the peasants and serfs would tolerate before they revolted, Putin's social calculus is deeply flawed.
Don’t for a minute believe any notion that Ukraine will be a pushover for Putin. Soon he will have to answer to the parents and loved ones of Russian soldiers who have died for him but not for Russia.
Prices are going up everywhere. Corporations say it is "inflation" and want smaller government and lower taxes as "solutions." The reality is very different.
Shallow reporting is something that Trump and his enablers have relied upon since 2015. It not only enables astroturfing of outrageous claims and false flag black propaganda operations, it amplifies them.
The frothing and foaming of accusation and misdirection coming from the insurrectionists who have not been charged yet, is really just their impatience of not being charged yet wriggling out of their control.
These are indeed scary times for our Democracy in the U.S., and things will not get better if all of us who see what is going down give in to fear. There ARE things we can and must do.
Progressives and Regressives view people in two different ways. Progressives view people as assets. The other side views them as an expense or liability—or at the very least sources to extract money from by any means.
In the four years Trump spent in the White House, he set back progress against racism and white supremacy decades. And he wants to keep this degradation of American rolling.
It goes hand in hand that where you find corruption you will also find obstruction. Mitch McConnell has been showing the country this for more than a decade. Now Manchin and Simena are following his example.
Madison Cawthorn's re-election may be over before it starts. His very qualifications to run have been challenged by a group of voters in his home state.
The lessons of how we should view and apply the unique document that is our Constitution go back centuries and even appear in the works of the Bard of Avon.