Since calling out fascism after it succeeds would be like finally agreeing to be vaccinated while they’re hooking you up to a ventilator, ideally more voices will join this candid cadre to make it part of the 2022 election conversation.
In Dizzy City politics, what we are not supposed to have attention on is the $2 trillion that has already been burned in Afghanistan. Never forget that the vast majority of that money was spent here, with American companies.
Everyone involved in The Blame Game reality show in D.C. is fully armed with pet facts designed to paint someone else in as bad a light as possible. But like every reality show, the facts and circumstances are contrived. Today's Afghanistan edition of the Blame Game is no exception.
My wife and I have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 for many months now. Since two weeks after that out last shot we have felt quite safe, even though as a moderately elderly asthmatic I am the apparent target market for the Covid-19 virus.
After eight years of living under the dictatorial rule of Mitch McConnell, Senate Democrats as a group still appear to be laboring under some sort of political version of PTSD. This is pretty evident by the fact that McConnell, now the minority leader, is still running the same obstructive game plan he has always run.
With President Biden's push for a massive infrastructure and jobs bill, comes the inevitable Republican knee-jerk push back. "Who's going to pay for this?"
Republican stalwarts like Mitch McConnell, to whom obstruction of any forward progress is like breathing, are not just trying to make life difficult for folks like Bernie Sanders or Chuck Schumer. He wants them to not even bother trying.
Examining the connections between Trump and the Republican Party is on-going source of neck-dislocating head shakes for many people. There is a persistence to it that defies logic when one examines it from the standpoint of normal political calculus.
If you want to know what crimes Trump has committed or is committing now—just because he's no longer in office does not mean he stopped being a criminal—simply make notes of what he accuses others of doing.
The majority of Joe Manchin's constituents including a majority from the opposition party want to see S 1, the Senate version of HR 1, the "For the People Act" and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act passed.
The refusal of FOX News to broadcast an ad containing true information about the Jan 6 Insurrection makes FOX an active player in the coverup of the attempted overthrow of our government.
A Republic is a form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body. Modern republics are founded on the idea that sovereignty rests with the people, though who is included and excluded from the category of the people has varied across history.
The honor normally bestowed on fallen in our military this past weekend was marred by treason by Michael Flynn and more delusion from the ex-president.