Opinions & Commentary

The Historical Danger of Alliances Between Fascists and Oligarchs

The Historical Danger of Alliances Between Fascists and Oligarchs

Once the Nazis took power in Germany they banned books, outlawed drag shows, and homosexuality, changed school curricula to remove mention of their atrocities in WWI, and rewrote election laws so they’d never again lose an election. Sound familiar?
Just to Be Clear, Trump Isn’t Above the Law

Just to Be Clear, Trump Isn’t Above the Law

A person commits a crime, a prosecutor or grand jury determines probable cause to bring charges, an indictment or arrest follows, and then comes a trial. That’s the procedure. That the suspect is a former president is beside the point.
Testing the Weight Limits of the Bridge of Democracy

Testing the Weight Limits of the Bridge of Democracy

Heavier and heavier loads of oppression and outright sabotage have been driving over the bridge of our Democracy trying to tear past its weight limit. So far they have not succeeded. But even today, the attempts continue.
Solace and Politics Don’t Mix

Solace and Politics Don’t Mix

Politics is like talking to yourself only stupider. Politics never seems to get out of its own way and never poses solutions for problems and is just a problem unto itself.
Why Distrust of News Media Can Be a Good Thing

Why Distrust of News Media Can Be a Good Thing

Numerous respected news organizations have been caught lying to their audiences. And this self-inflicted damage to journalism is every bit equal to the attacks launched by politicians.