Anthony Fauci is everything Donald Trump, his perpetually uninformed base, and sociopathic GOP politicians like Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Matt Gaetz despise: he is intelligent, educated, principled, and compassionate.
Opinions & Commentary
Perhaps the most disturbing part of the ugly rise of open anti-Semitism in America is that it is so often coming from the professed devoted followers of a Jewish rabbi born in Judea and versed in the Old Testament.
The parallels between Trump's presidency and the patterning of fascist propaganda are plain to see: the relentless repetition and disinformation, the scapegoating of the Other, the strongman identity and victimhood.
After banning Ye, for his anti-Semitic posting to Twitter, Elon turned around and allowed Andrew Anglin, an unapologetic Nazi criminal who has a warrant out for his arrest in Montana, back onto the platform.
White Evangelical Christianity as it is currently constructed in America cannot peaceably coexist with the Jesus of the scriptures—which is why it is choosing to remove him.
An odd debit from an account led to finding a company—Albert Genius—that was charging monthly fees for services never agreed to. Read on to make sure you are not also getting ripped off.
Twitter as a social media giant may be beyond saving, but the idea of a public-interest social network is something worth fighting for.
The GOP’s gun-flaunting ads, apocalyptic messaging, and demonization of opponents are steering its followers toward bloodshed.
As Twitter implodes under Elon Musk’s rule, a lawsuit argues Tesla is vastly overpaying the world’s richest man.
To run for President, a candidate must get on the ballot in all 50 states. What do you want to bet that Trump does not get on the ballot for at least half the states in the union?
The violent targeting of the LGBTQ community is not a random aberration they are trying to make sense of, it is more like a GOP campaign promise fulfilled.
Elon is riding off on a hobby horse of “absolute” free speech and this is where his vaunted ability as a mathematician comes crashing down.
DeSantis didn’t really try very hard to disguise his racism when he ran for governor in 2018. He’d appeared at white nationalist conferences alongside the likes of David Horowitz and Steve Bannon.
News Media outlets are, for the most part, about the negative side of what might happen, they have and probably always will feed the fear and angst side of things.
With or without Trump, the modern GOP remains an extremist organization that threatens American constitutional democracy.
News media outlets, in their glee of covering Trump yet again, seem to be forgetting the massive volume of evidence amassed against him for causing the January 6th Insurrection.