Trump is not a good human being in any way such things are objectively measured. And good people don't align with this, no matter what story they tell themselves.
Opinions & Commentary
Kamala Harris has a living, active spirituality that speaks for itself in its joy for living, its work for justice, and its love for neighbor.
If we fail in November, White Evangelicals will have a political power that will render every election null and void and we will never have a voice again in our lifetimes.
Being a pro-life MAGA voter is to be a living, breathing oxymoron whose actions are antithetical to their words.
With women’s rights hanging in the balance this November, Mother Nature is on the scene literally showing us that if Trump and his vile Republicans win in November, we might not survive it.
Many otherwise normal and sane Americans seem to have gone nuts, leaping down the Qanon or Fox “News” rabbit holes in search of meaning, safety, and explanations for the feelings of doom that they just can’t shake.
Tell me again why we should worry about American men’s fragile egos and tormented souls when they spend their lives trying to control our bodies?
This is a golden moment for the vast, sprawling army of good people who believe in the beauty of diversity and in a fully accessible America to speak out and vote.
We have the wind at our backs, and if we stay together we will win.
With only 33 days until the most important election in American history, there are no guarantees that there ever will be a trial, and that Trump will be held accountable for his high crimes.
Under the next Republican regime, every fertile woman in Red states could face invasive state surveillance. It’s not dystopia—it’s reality.
If nothing else, Democrats have put Republicans on notice by making them defend their weak positions in states that only a few months ago seemed like a sure thing for them.
Trump is trying to get us to hire him again to prevent the violence, crime, economic strife and problems that he fostered. That would factually be the worst hiring decision in nearly 250 years.
November 5th is getting closer every minute. There are many reasons to be positive and optimistic, but we should not let caution and wariness get too far away.
This is what keeps me up at night when I’m trying to turn out my lights, and dream of better things to come … I do not trust the white man to do the right thing.
Everyone knows Republicans condemn violence, except against Enemies of America such as poll workers, Capitol cops, women needing abortions, Black men driving cars, students protesting genocide in Gaza, and Mike Pence.