Florida Republicans hate education that they haven't blessed. So, don't be be surprised if, along with DeSantis’ election cops and his Praetorian Guard, the Legislature authorizes an Iranian-style Morality Police.
Opinions & Commentary
A statue long considered a Renaissance masterpiece in Florence (and the world over) has now been deemed pornographic in Florida. Such a stark contrast in points of view—here or there—has a long history.
Columnist Jay Bookman opines that of all the potential indictments of the former president the least important concerns hush money allegedly paid to a porn star.
Politics is like talking to yourself only stupider. Politics never seems to get out of its own way and never poses solutions for problems and is just a problem unto itself.
The only people who don't get that this saga is coming to an ignominious end are Trump himself and the horde of media fools that think he is still a story rather than a cautionary tale.
Numerous respected news organizations have been caught lying to their audiences. And this self-inflicted damage to journalism is every bit equal to the attacks launched by politicians.
CPAC’s theme was “Protecting America Now.” Who and what are the perceived threats? Attendee's targets can be boiled down to five categories.
Things are not going very well for Republicans "investigating" the wrongdoings of those in the administration who successfully opposed Trump. But they are managing to make fools of themselves, repeatedly.
It is all of us who are being singled out and forced to be smaller, to see the world as an us versus them. We may not be the bullseye—for now—on the target, but we are closer to it than we realize.
Tennessee's Republican majority is succeeding at making utter fools of themselves as they try vainly to legislate the LBGTQ+ community out of existence.
The GOP has forfeited the ability to defend itself against stupidity and has become a party in which even its best-educated must feign a level of ignorance that would get you flunked from a ninth-grade civics class.
The latest CPAC was the unsurprising, over-priced, under attended conglomeration of far-right hate and bigotry and we have come to expect.
It is time to expose and confront the fraudulence of phobic Christian bigots who hate and persecute people and then pass the buck to a Jesus who never once condemned anyone for their gender and orientation.
Republicans are trying to wash the blood of over a million dead Americans from Covid off their hands by shifting the blame of their mismanagement and criminal negligence elsewhere—anywhere they can.
From Nazi Germany to the Pinochet regime in Chile, global parallels of where this type of repression leads should set off alarms.
Apparently Nazi domestic terrorists need a Day of Hate to remind everyone about what losers they really are. But true to form, not a lot of them actually showed up.