The fact that the Disqualification Rule of the 14 Amendment has not been previously applied to a presidential candidate does not diminish the materiality or clarity of the constitutional mandate.
In the Republican debate Wednesday night, Haley and DeSantis tossed around Reagan-era talking points that most people don't understand, so here’s a handy guide to translate Republican-gibberish into plain English.
The president must use the full weight of his moral authority and office to speak to the better angels of our nature against Trump's MAGA wretchedness.
The white Republican base has been so lied to and abused over the past forty or so years that they’ve become easy marks for the predators in both big business and the GOP.
Julie Green predicted Schumer and Pelosi would die, Charles would murder the Queen but "never get that throne he killed for," and Biden was already dead but controlled by Antichrist Obama through an earpiece.
There’s no “Trump 2.0” waiting in the wings. So let’s get about the business of kicking him off the ballot and restore some normalcy to American political discourse.
Each and every one of us are the actual superheroes to wrest our country from the grasping hands of wannabe dictators. Our vote is our stance and the message for us to deliver this year is "Not on our watch."
Some folks in Florida may be hesitant to make the resolutions needed to do better in the new year. Fear not! Here are some gentle—or not—suggestions to help prod them in the right direction.
How would you react if one day you were sitting at home and the phone rang and when you picked it up you heard a man shout: “Kill yourself now so we can save ammo!”